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Iryna Deremuk
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How Not to Drain the Budget— 5 Points to Consider Before Implementing BPA

Time to read: 6 min

In today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape, companies are constantly seeking new and innovative ways to enhance customer satisfaction and streamline their operations. One emerging technology that is gaining traction in the real estate business world is digital concierge software.

This solution offers a personalized, AI-driven approach to customer service that enables companies to offer tailored recommendations, 24/7 support, and streamlined service delivery. In this article, we'll explore what a digital concierge is, how it works and the benefits it offers to businesses that deploy it.

What is Business Process Automation (BPA)?

BPA definition: Business process automation is the use of technology to automate repetitive, manual tasks and streamline operations within an organization. Simply put, it's about taking time-consuming tasks off a company's plate and letting machines handle them.

There is the 80-20 rule, which states that 80% of a company's operations can be automated, while 20% can successfully be handled manually.

BPA is not just about using technology to replace human labor; it's about increasing human effectiveness. By automating routine tasks, employees can focus on more strategic work, such as developing new products and services or staying in touch with customers. Modern business process automation also helps improve the customer experience by speeding up operations and reducing human errors.

There are different business process automation technologies and tools, such as robotic process automation (RPA), artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). These technologies can be used to automate a wide range of tasks, from data entry and invoice handling to customer service and marketing campaigns.

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Why Do Businesses Need BPA?

94% of organizations have to deal with multiple repetitive and time-consuming tasks, while 86% of employees believe that automation helps them do the work in a more efficient way. Thus, today, an increasing number of companies of all sizes opt for BPA solutions, which offer the following benefits:

→ Cutting Down Costs

The benefits of business process automation include handling repetitive tasks, which can significantly reduce labor costs. By computerizing data entry, document management and invoicing, companies can save time and money. This is particularly important for small enterprises that have limited resources.

→ Improving Productivity

Business process automation technology helps reduce errors and improve accuracy, thus increasing employee productivity. It can also standardize operations within a company.

This approach can ensure that all employees follow the same procedures and protocols, which results in greater consistency and efficiency.

→ Elevating Employee Satisfaction

Among the other key benefits of automating business processes is that it boosts employee satisfaction. BPA software frees up employees, allowing them to focus on more meaningful and challenging work, and helps reduce stress and burnout among staff. This leads to increased job satisfaction, a greater sense of fulfillment in their roles and lower turnover rates.

→ Optimizing Workflow & Management 

Business process automation of workflow and management enables companies to make informed decisions and identify opportunities for improvement.

By computerizing the supply chain, firms can ensure that resources are available when needed, reducing delays.

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5 Things to Consider Before Implementing BPA

Before setting up BPA, it's important to focus on a few key factors to ensure a successful implementation. Here are 5 business process automation steps to keep in mind.

1. Goals & Objectives

Set clear and measurable goals for your BPA implementation. Do you want to reduce costs, increase efficiency or enhance customer satisfaction? After you decide on your objectives, track progress over time.

This will help you determine if your business process automation methodology is producing the expected results.

2. Process Analysis

It is crucial for companies to conduct a thorough process analysis. This involves taking a closer look at your existing business processes to identify areas that can benefit from automation and streamlining.

To apply this approach, you should start by mapping out your current operations from start to finish. This includes identifying the inputs, outputs, and steps involved in each process. Once you have completed with mapping, you can then identify areas that are prone to errors, bottlenecks and delays.

Identify the pain points in your current operations. What are the bottlenecks, inefficiencies and errors that are slowing down your business productivity? Once you have identified these pain points, determine which ones can be fixed through BPA solutions.

3. Technology Infrastructure

Your technology infrastructure is the backbone for implementing BPA. It's the hardware, software and networks that enable automation and ensure your systems can handle the increased workload. That's why it is crucial to make sure your technology infrastructure is up to the task.

One key consideration is your existing IT systems.
Are they capable of supporting modern business process automation?
Do you have the necessary hardware, such as servers and storage, to handle increased automation? Do you have the right software in place to support automation?
These are all important questions to consider.

4. Change Management

This approach is about preparing, equipping and supporting individuals and teams to make organizational alterations. In the case of modern business process automation, this means making sure your staff is ready for new ways of working, providing them with the necessary skills and tools,
as well as ongoing support.

Your employees will need to be trained on new technology, and you have to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge to work with automated systems. This may involve providing educational sessions or offering self-paced online courses.

5. Security & Compliance

As you automate your operations, you'll be handling and storing more data electronically, and it is crucial to ensure that this data is secure. This may include implementing encryption, access controls and other protection measures.

Depending on your industry and location, you may be subject to various regulations and standards related to data privacy, security and other areas. You must ensure that your BPA implementation complies with these regulations.

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Wrapping Up

Benefits of business process automation include but aren’t limited to a significant impact on the efficiency, productivity and profitability of your company. However, it is important to approach BPA implementation with caution and careful consideration to avoid draining your budget and resources.

By taking the time to assess your goals and objectives, analyze your operations, evaluate your technology infrastructure, plan for change management and ensure security and compliance, you can set your BPA implementation up for success. With the right approach and careful consideration of these key points, you can reap the benefits of business process automation without breaking the bank.

If you're looking to implement this software in your business, the tech experts at 111 Minutes can give you a hand.

We've already helped a number of companies integrate
a digital concierge into their processes, and now they reap benefits from this solution.

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