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Iryna Deremuk
Date added

Real Estate Automation Software: Pros and Cons of Digital Property Management

Time to read: 7 min
Digital real estate

Property owners have a lot on their plates: marketing rentals, finding and screening tenants, collecting
rent, and maintaining properties. With so many tasks to juggle, it's no wonder that many real estate
businesses are turning to property management automation to help them stay organized and efficient.

Statistics indicate that the use of automated real estate marketing helps companies worldwide
increase the number of qualified leads by 451%.

Nevertheless, while such software can offer many benefits, there are also potential drawbacks to
consider. In this article, we'll explore the pros and cons of real estate property management software
to help you make an informed decision.

Real estate management software for smartphones

Types of Property Management System Software

Real estate automation software refers to the tools and technology that enable companies to
streamline their business processes. There are three main types of property management programs:
workflow process automation (BPA), robotic process automation (RPA), and artificial intelligence (AI).
Each of these types has its unique features and benefits, so it’s vital to select the one that will benefit
your business the most.


Real estate workflow automation refers to the use of software to deal with the repetitive, manual tasks.
This can include processes such as data entry, document management, and email communication.
BPA software for real estate management is designed to streamline these processes, reduce errors,
and increase overall efficiency. It typically involves the use of pre-built templates and workflows that
can be customized to meet the specific needs of a particular business.


Artificial intelligence involves the use of advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques to
automate complex tasks and free up human employees to focus on more strategic issues.
Such property management apps can be used to automate tasks such as property valuation,
predictive analytics, and natural language processing. This can help real estate businesses make more
informed decisions, reduce the time and cost associated with complex tasks, and improve efficiency.
AI-powered software for property management can also be used in customer service to provide
personalized recommendations and improve customer satisfaction.


The application of RPA takes automation a step further by using software robots to automate tasks
that are typically performed by humans. These robots are programmed to follow a set of rules and
perform tasks such as data entry, data extraction, and data analysis. The smart implementation of
robotic process automation in real estate can help reduce the time and cost associated with these
tasks, and can also help eliminate errors and improve accuracy.

Cybernetic arm

Pros and Cons of Using Property Management Tools

Real estate management software can be a valuable tool for automating and streamlining processes,
but it's important to carefully consider the pros and cons before implementing it.


→ Efficient automation

Property management system software can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks such as
rent collection, lease management, maintenance requests, and accounting, making the overall process more efficient.

→ Savings solution

By automating tasks and reducing manual labor, an automated real estate system can save property
owners and managers money in the long run.

→ Centralized efficiency

Property management apps provide a centralized location for all property-related information,
including leases, rent payments, maintenance requests, and tenant information.

→ Enhanced communication

Such software can improve communication between property owners, managers, and tenants by
providing a platform for quick and easy messaging and notifications.

→ Informed analytics

Real estate management software can generate reports and analytics on various aspects of property
management, providing valuable insights for decision-making.

→ Streamlined tenant experience

With digital property management in place, tenants can easily submit maintenance requests, pay rent
online, and receive notifications, leading to increased satisfaction with their living experience.

Payroll overview graph


→ Cost barrier

Property management apps can be expensive to develop and deploy, especially for smaller property
owners or managers who may not have the resources to invest in such technology.

→ Learning time

Automated real estate systems usually have a steep learning curve, requiring time and effort to
properly set up and learn how to use.

→ Technical challenges

Like any software, this one can experience technical issues or glitches that can disrupt the whole
property management process.

→ Limited customization

Some software for property management may not allow for full customization to meet the specific
needs of each property owner or manager. To avoid this problem, it’s better to
develop a solution from scratch.

→ Security risks

Such software may store sensitive information, e.g. financial data and personal information of tenants,
creating potential security concerns if the program is not properly secured.

→ Loss of personal touch

Some tenants may prefer the personal touch of a face-to-face interaction with property managers,
which can be lost with the real estate automation provided by the integrated software.

The Future of Digital Transformation in Real Estate

The potential of digital transformation in real estate beyond 2023 is likely to be shaped by several
trends that have been gaining momentum in recent years. Let’s consider them all.

Trend 1

Real estate companies are likely to adopt more advanced technologies such as virtual reality, artificial
intelligence, and machine learning to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance the customer experience.

Trend 2

The use of data analytics is likely to become even more widespread in the real estate industry and
digital property management, enabling companies to better understand customer needs, make more
informed decisions, and identify new opportunities for growth.

Trend 3

The integration of IoT and smart home technology is likely to become more prevalent, enabling
property owners and managers to remotely monitor their properties, improve energy efficiency, and
enhance the living experience for tenants.

Trend 4

Real estate companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of sustainability and
eco-friendliness, and this trend is likely to continue beyond 2023. Digital transformation in real
estate will play a key role in this shift, enabling companies to implement smart technologies and
automation to improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact.

Trend 5

As the industry becomes more competitive, companies will need to focus on enhancing the customer
experience to differentiate themselves from their competitors. AI and ML will play a key role in this,
enabling businesses to provide personalized services, streamline processes, and enhance the overall customer experience.

Online tour feature

Key Takeaways

To sum up, automated real estate property management software can provide property owners with
many advantages, such as greater control over their assets, streamlined operations, and increased profitability. 

However, it is essential to recognize that such software is not a panacea and may also have some
drawbacks, such as technical glitches, data security concerns, and the need for staff training.

Ultimately, a balanced approach that takes into account the benefits and drawbacks of automated
property management software can help real estate businesses make better decisions.

At 111Minutes, our team of skilled engineers is dedicated to crafting cutting-edge software solutions for real estate listings.

If you want to get real estate automation software to optimize your processes and boost your conversion rates, we have the expertise you need.

Don't hesitate to contact us today!

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